Texas Lone Star Title, LLC was founded in 2014 by real estate industry veteran, Michael Neuman, in Austin Texas. The office started small, with a 300 SQFT office space and was serving Travis and Williamson counties.
The first branch office was established in Eagle Pass, Maverick County in 2015. In 2016, Texas Lone Star Title, LLC acquired Guaranty Title & Abstract Company located in Jim Wells County and founded in the 1920’s.
In 2019, Texas Lone Star Title, LLC acquired Nueces Title, founded in 1980. The company now operates two established offices in Corpus Christi, Nueces County. In 2019, Texas Lone Star Title, LLC acquired McMullen County Title & Abstract Company, which opened its doors in 1830.
We are also proud to say that Texas Lone Star Title, LLC owns and operates its own title plants in Maverick, Jim Wells, McMullen, Nueces and Duval counties. With the exception of Nueces County, these title plants are Sovereignty Title Plants and are dated as far as back as in the 1830’s.
The team at Texas Lone Star Title, LLC is fully equipped to close real estate transactions throughout the State of Texas. We can provide Title Evidence in 86 counties in the state of Texas, and we are continuously growing to serve all of Texas. Staying up to date in our education and training, along with our years of experience in the Real Estate and Title industries, we are able to provide professional title services concerning commercial, residential, farm and ranch transactions, as well as for the oil, gas and wind farm industry.